Judges are not suppose to judge the law (click-here), that is the jury's job.
Juries' have the right to veto bad laws. Because it's within our United States Constitution. Which every
judge swears to uphold. But, Do They? Log onto Fully Informed Jury and get the
Being a juror is actuality our last link in the chain for proving whether the legislators passed a good
or a bad law. Unfortunately, most judges insist that they and only they are the sole judge of the law.
Why? Because they are unconstitutionally trained to be that way.
How can a Juror judge the Law if the Juror can only follow the prescribed law as the courts force the
jurors to do? It's the prescribed law that is on trial. For what ever reason most Judges want the
prescribed law to stay enforce.
Please do not avoid becoming a juror it's your last hope to get rid of bad laws. The jury box is the
only place where laws can be reviewed by citizens. You might even help someone who is accused of
breaking what you think is a bad law. But first you must answer the call to become a juror.
The Grand Jury is ideal place to judge the Intent of the law as a sitting juror.